
2012.12.5 wed → 12.22 Sat 11:00〜19:00

Marc Chagall Daphnis et Chloé 1961 lithograph 54×38cm/58×78cm

古代ギリシャの純真な恋愛物語を、愛の画家シャガールが挿画本の世界に閉じ込めた『ダフニスとクロエ』。ギリシャへ2度の取材旅行の末に完成させたこの作品は、シャガール版画の最高傑作とも言われています。今回展示した全42点の作品は、60エディションのみ制作された貴重なサイン入りバージョンであり、全作品が完全な状態で残るものは世界でも数セットのみしかありません。本展では物語の前半をNUKAGA GALLERYで、後半をOLYM GALLERYにてご覧いただくことによって、エーゲ海に浮かぶレスボス島を舞台に繰り広げられる、愛と試練の物語の世界に皆様をご招待いたしました。



A deluxe set of 42 colour lithographs, Daphnis and Chloé is the most important series of graphic works that Chagall created, and NUKAGA GALLERY and OLYM GALLERY are delighted to present this rare opportunity to view the complete set. The tale of Daphnis and Chloé is a classical romance about the lives of two abandoned children raised on the Isle of Lesbos by shepherds, whose friendship turned to love. Chagall admired the fable, and traveled twice to Greece after he was commissioned to make this series by the famous publisher Tériade. There he made preparatory gouaches and drawings, but it took almost ten years to complete this great project. When the lithographs are viewed together, it is easy to see how their unique and rich colours reflect Chagall’s passion for the history, climate and landscape of Greece, and demonstrate his enjoyment at recreating this ancient story of love and ordeal. We hope that all visitors to the exhibition can become immersed in Chagall’s vision of the tale, and share his journey to the fascinating world of ancient Greece.


Marc Chagall