芥川紗織   烈しいもの。  燃えるもの。  強烈なもの。#2 Saori Akutagawa Defiant, Passionate, Intense #2

10 Oct (Thu) - 31 Oct (Thu)

芥川紗織, 民話 生剥ばなし メイシャアイシャバユバユ, 1955

NUKAGA GALLERYは10月10日(木)から10月31日(木)まで、展覧会「芥川紗織:烈しいもの。燃えるもの。強烈なもの。#2」を開催いたします。




戦後日本の前衛アーティストを再評価するその機運を高める試みの一環としてNUKAGA GALLERYでは2018年より芥川紗織の作品を調査・展示してまいりましたが、今年5月に開催した本展覧会の第一弾となる「芥川紗織:烈しいもの。燃えるもの。強烈なもの。」では国内の美術館関係者はもとより海外の美術館関係者にもご来場いただき、この100年の節目と呼応するかのように、加速度的に注目が高まっているようです。


さて、芥川紗織の染色画といえば女シリーズと神話・民話シリーズが代表的ですが、本展では1955年、57年と2回の個展に出品され、民話を題材にした染色画の《民話 生剥ばなしメイシャアイシャバユバユ》を展示いたします。












NUKAGA GALLERY is pleased to present the exhibition Saori Akutagawa: Defiant, Passionate, Intense #2 from October 10 to 31, 2024.


This year marks the 100th anniversary of Saori Akutagawa’s birth, and special exhibitions of her work have been held at museums throughout Japan. Starting this October, Akutagawa’s largest work, From Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) (collection of the Setagaya Art Museum), will appear at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in the exhibition Modern Images of Ancient Clay Figures.


Amid the ongoing reappraisal of Japanese post-war avant-garde artists, NUKAGA GALLERY has been researching and showcasing Akutagawa’s works since 2018. The first installment of the current exhibition series, Saori Akutagawa: Defiant, Passionate, Intense, which we held in May this year, attracted museum professionals from both Japan and abroad. The centennial of Akutagawa’s birth appears to be coinciding with a surge of interest in her work.


Among Akutagawa’s dyed fabrics, the Woman series and the Myth / Folk Tales series are particularly well-known. Here we will present a dyed fabric from the latter, Folk Tale Namahage-banashi Mei Sha Ai Sha Bayu Bayu, which was featured in solo shows in 1955 and 1957.


Painting Folk Tales

Over the past year, I’ ve read a mountain of Japanese folktales. There is an amazingly grand scale to these stories passed down through generations, while some of them are bubbling with imagination and humor. All of them captivate me completely. At a solo show in Ginza in the fall, I exhibited paintings of various gods, princesses, and towering giants from these folktales. I plan to continue this project without end, seeking to rekindle the laughter of ancient deities in the modern world.


(“Pi i pu ru” [People], Geijutsu shincho vol.7 no.1, January 1956)


This exhibition will also include dyed fabrics, drawings, and oil paintings composed of simpler forms, which reflect how the artist’s admiration for the primitive shaped her artistic vision.


I need to break free of Picasso’s influence. I want to freely explore the classics and find my own direction in art. This means I must make endless studies of landscapes and figures. I will do this in order to make paintings that are completely my own.


(March 6, 1965, diary of Saori Akutagawa, published in Geijutsu seikatsu vol.26 no.9, September 1973)


We sincerely look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition.






■Exhibition Information

Saori Akutagawa : Defiant, Passionate, Intense #2

Oct 10 (Thu) – 31 (Thu), 2024

Open Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00

Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays



東京都中央区銀座2-3-2 3F



3F, 2-3-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

■Exhibition Information

Saori Akutagawa : Defiant, Passionate, Intense #2

Oct 10 (Thu) – 31 (Thu), 2024

Open Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00

Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays



3F, 2-3-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo